API 653 ICP Above Ground Storage Tank Inspector

The API 653 Above ground Storage Tank Inspector must have a broad knowledge base relating to tank inspection and repair of above ground storage tanks, and will satisfy the minimum qualifications specified in API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction.

This certification program benefits employers and the industry as a whole by helping to:

  • Improve management control of repair, reconstruction and maintenance
  • Reduce the potential for inspection delays
  • Provide a continued high level of safety through the use of highly specialized and experienced inspectors

Note: Enrolling and paying for the examination is in addition to this course and is the student’s responsibility, as is obtaining the required codes per the published API Effectivity List.

For further information on exam details, costs, dates and codes/standards, please see our FAQ page.

(Classroom component can be taken at course location or streamed over Zoom)

CourseOnline StartClassroom Training StartClassroom Training EndLocationPriceCourse Availability
API 653 ICP Above Ground Storage Tank Inspector30-03-202530-06-202504-07-2025 Brisbane, QLD - Jephson Hotel, Toowong$3600 GST free1 Place Left
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API 653 ICP Above Ground Storage Tank Inspector20-07-202520-10-202524-10-2025 Perth, WA - Four Points Sheraton$3600 GST freePlaces Available
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