Course Booking Form

You are booking the following course.

  • Course Title: API 579 Fitness For Service
  • Course Location: Perth, WA - Four Points Sheraton
  • Classroom Training Start Date: 11-11-2025
  • Course Price: $2250 incl. GST
  • Course Availability: Places Available

Please use the form below to submit your booking. After submitting your booking we will email you a copy of your course details.

Book Now

Course Booking Terms & Conditions

Upon receipt of this booking form we will issue you an invoice to your nominated email address. Please indicate if your company will be issuing or has issued a Purchase Order for payment and we will reference that on the invoice.

When paying your invoice by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), please reference the invoice number.

We will also email you course information – please read it immediately as there may be items that warrant your action.

Your place on the course is not guaranteed until the invoice is paid in full and full payment is required before the online training commencement date. For courses without online training the invoice is due one month prior to course start date.

We reserve the right to ask for a deposit or downpayment prior to the start of online training in order to guarantee your place on the course. We may choose to do this if the course has filled a significant amount of time prior to the course start date. We also reserve the right to refuse a booking from an individual.

API 570, 653 and 510 examination preparation, as well as AICIP and ASME Level 1 courses do not attract GST.

Once online training has started or invoice is due, the course fee is non-refundable. Wilkinson Coutts Engineering Training Australia Pty. Ltd. reserves the right to change, postpone or cancel at short notice any part of its training courses due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event of the change to a course, we will provide alternatives such as a reschedule, course transfer or transfer in-kind.  If we are not able to provide a reasonable alternative, a refund may be applicable if any trainings have not yet commenced. Otherwise refunds will be on a case by case basis subject to a pro-rated fee. Wilkinson Coutts Engineering Training Australia Pty. Ltd. disclaims any further liability.

For courses that do not have online training (such as ASME Level 1, API 579 and PRD I&T), the invoice is due one month prior to the course start date and after this date the fee is non-refundable but may be transferred.

Any course transfers are made on a case by case basis with ample notice and are not guaranteed. If a course transfer is approved, it can only be transferred once to a course of similar value. The transferred position is the property of the entity that has paid the invoice and not necessarily the student allocated to the position.

Course transfers inside of 4 weeks prior to the classroom training start date will not be permitted. Student no-shows outside of the permitted course transfer policies will result in forfeiture of course fees. 

Unfortunately we cannot refund any credit card transaction fees therefore any refund that are approved will be subject to a 10% service charge.

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights in documents or software provided under the provision of training to the client belong to and remain the property of the Wilkinson Coutts Engineering Training Australia Pty. Ltd. (the supplier), this may include proprietary mock exams that are performed under conditions that prevent copying and also any content streamed over video conferencing software (eg Zoom or MSTeams). Copying of mock exams and recording of any streamed content is forbidden. The client/student shall not disclose the same to any third party without the written consent of the supplier. Students will be made aware that infringement of copyright of Intellectual Property (IP) may result in their exclusion from the course without a refund and/or exclusion from any further courses.

The supplier is responsible for loss or damage to property or injury or death to any person only to the extent such loss, damage, injury or death is a direct result of any negligent performance of the services by the supplier. The supplier’s aggregate liability for such loss or damage directly arising from its provision of negligent services is limited to the total amount of the fees payable to the supplier under this contract. Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any indirect or consequential damage howsoever caused.

By making this booking you are hereby in acceptance of these conditions.

This document was last updated February 2nd, 2025.

    Enter the employer/third party details for receipt of the invoice below.

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